Thanks again for choosing Peterson's Candies!

Welcome to Peterson's Candies

Creating homemade confections and memories since 1931

Latest Candy News

  • Important Dates for Easter 2024!

  • Easter 2023 Important Dates and Times!

  • Christmas 2022!

    Well everyone, we made it another year!  It's that time of year again where snow starts falling, lights twinkle just a little bit more, and there a...
  • Happy New Years! Important upcoming dates!

    A wise man once said, "Be prepared!"  Well, at least I'm sure someone said it.  And that someone was probably wise.  But just because Christmas 202...
  • Christmas is here!

    Well, once again Christmas somehow snuck up on us!  We are in full Christmas swing at the shop!  Come on in to see our homemade candy canes, hand d...
  • Summer!

    Wow!  What a year so far, huh?  Or has it been 10 years?  We aren't sure either, but according to the thermometer, it's summer!  We want to thank e...
  • Almost here!

    Easter is almost here!  As a reminder, the last day to ship before Easter has passed.  Any shipping orders placed now will begin to ship out the we...
  • Easter's on its way!

    Easter is hopping our way very soon 🐰To ensure that we can provide an abundance of high quality products, prompt shipping and preparation of pickup...
  • Our slow journey to normalcy

    Hi all!  It's been a long time since we've posted.  We apologize for that.  We have been trying to figure out this current condition, the same as e...
  • Updated Ordering Lead Times!

    Hello again everyone. We first wanted to thank everyone for their generosity and support.  Because of you and your love of Easter candy, we find ou...
  • Updated Pickup Procedures

    Needless to say, the world changed pretty quick!  We wanted to give you an update on how we are operating currently.  First, we have shut our showr...
  • Candy Carside Pickup

    Starting tomorrow, March 14 2020, Peterson's Candies is offering a new service for our customers!  For those customers who would feel more comforta...