****NOTE!!!! These will be available for pick up only at the store on Saturday, March 29th, 2025!!****
Our most colorful confection is our tasty reception wafers. We use the original Peterson family recipe to whip up this incredible treat. They are beloved by our fans.
Please know before you buy:
Our old- fashioned wafers are a crispy confection that turn creamy as it melts in your mouth. Wafers only have a shelf life of 2 weeks or less. They are made without preservatives and are highly perishable. When you receive your box of candy, they may need to air out, especially if they are sealed and shipped. If you enjoy them moister, keep them in an air tight container. If you enjoy them crisper (crunchier), allow them to air out. They should be kept in a cool place.
DESPITE OUR BEST EFFORTS TO SHIP A HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THEY WILL ARRIVE PICTURE PERFECT. All shipped candy will be shrink wrapped. They are a delicate candy and in-person pickup is preferred. Candy not picked up on time will not maintain its quality or freshness.